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搜尋參考資料: 1.Eighth note and sixteenth note. Musical rhythm. Notes … www.epianostudio.com/.../15/lesson-13-eighth-notes-and-sixteenth-notes Category: Lessons. Now is probably a great time to introduce two new kinds of notes to you. The eighth note looks like a quarter note but it has a flag on it. www.songwriting-unlimited.com/quarter-note.html Quarter Note, Eighth & Sixteenth Notes. The quarter note, eighth and sixteenth notes are part 8 and 9 of a course on musical notation and music symbols. www.freedrumlessons.com/drum-lessons/sixteenth-notes.php Learn how to count sixteenth notes within drum set notation. This free video lesson explains how to spot sixteenth notes, how to read them, and how to play them on ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eighth_note An eighth note (American) or a quaver (British) is a musical note played for half the value of a quarter note (crotchet) and twice that of the sixteenth note ... totalguitarist.com/lessons/rhythm/16th-notes Learn about 16th notes and rests, including how they are notated, how to count them, and more. Includes information on the dotted eighth note. 洗完澡,用超吸水大浴巾包住自己~舒服的想跳個舞♪♫♬-宅配 | ||||||
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- Jun 08 Mon 2015 06:54
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